fox girl 2

And now there is a pair-

and she is very well out-fitted!

She has an argyle tail.

I wanted to make her all foresty and also well dressed.

The pinafore is removable with snaps.

Her bag closes with a string wrapped button.

Getting the colors just right can be very frustrating and doesn’t seem possible with my level of technical skills. This girl is made from the same sweater as this owl. It is not the same color as the boy fox- she is more of a red orange. The jacket is olive, the scarf, a warm medium brown and the purse is an ochre yellow color. Each photo seems to get some right but never everything!

15 thoughts on “fox girl 2

  1. Wow! I LOVE these two cuties! Does it make me a sad individual that I can totally see my husband and I dressing like them?! You always do such amazing work. Thanks for sharing!

  2. oh, she’s so sweet!
    I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been on top of things and I’ve missed out on what I wanted to buy from you for my birthday … darn it anyway.
    I’ll have to wait till you post more ‘girls’.
    So love your designs!

  3. These are gorgeous! I am absolutely smitten with these babies and your brilliance. Wish I’d seen your site earlier so I could have run on down to SOWA! I’ll be watching your shop and site now. Truly – lovely, lovely work!!!

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