Butterfly Lady

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I become highly aware of how long the dolls take me to make when I have to start from the beginning of the process and work all the way through. I am getting ready for the ArtProvidence Show (in One WeeK!) and I want to have a good selection of all the things. Most of the time, the various steps are separated, sometimes by more than a year. But, last Saturday, I pulled out my pattern pieces to make some Lady Pillow dolls because the bin of pre-mades and pre-cut pieces was empty.

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I went though all my bins of wool to choose the dress and skin colors. Yes, they are heavy and I am getting old- phew, what a workout! Next, cut out the various dress pieces. Choose half of the dress pieces and match some “skin” colors to them, then shoes. Cut. Put the extra dresses aside for another day. I now have 8 ladies ready to sew up into their unembellished selves.

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Stuff and sew them closed. Pull out my bags of smaller scraps of wool and cashmere. Choose hair colors and figure out hair-dos. Cut and sew. Embroider faces and hands. Okay, now I’m getting nervous because the week is flying by. I choose four out of the eight to focus on. Sew on their hair. Start designing their dresses.

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I get three ladies done with a basic design idea and start hand-sewing. Finally the most fun part! So, today, pretty much a week later, I have something to show you. Oh, and one of the ladies is now bald again because I decided that I didn’t like her hair. I’m still hoping to have 4 ladies finished by the end of the weekend but we shall see.

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This first lovely lady is more Spring than Autumn so maybe she is Australian.She is covered in butterflies, flowers, and leaves; most cut from reclaimed cashmere but with a little wool too.

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