5 thoughts on “wip- fabric postcards

  1. Love this concept for fabric postcards. They seem to tell a story and leave an emotional impression. I am always looking for ideas because I just started a new website http://www.gift-it-forward.com that sells fabric postcards and other unique items. All of the money goes to women diagnosed with breast cancer. (Inspired by Virginia Spiegel) The fabric ideas are appreciated.

  2. I have been truly inspired by this web site. I am a post-cancer patient and through my entire experience with treatments all I’ve ever thought about is “how can I help others” “what can I do to make a difference in someone elses life that is facing the same situation” I have been teaching myself to make hand sculpted dolls and you have given me great encouragement to continue. I truly believe now that I can help others with the gift God has given me.

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