OK, Let’s get started


These are the unfinished projects in my peripheral vision right now.

-The doll that is closest to being finished is the big girl (Agnes). Today I picked out and sewed on the trim on her pantaloons. I sewed the buttons on her shoes. I need to sew buttons onto her dress. The pantaloons need pintucks on the bottom and finishing up, her slip needs to be ironed. Her shoes need touch-up painting. Then I will look at her for a while and think about whether she needs a shawl and maybe a hat… but what did a child from 1860’s wear on her head? More research needed.

-Next is Haze. Her dress is basically finished, and her pants and socks. I worked on her shoes this afternoon. She will have beads on her costume. I still have’t figured out about a shawl- I really like that foggy-green scrim. I need to glue her wig on, and maybe do some touch up painting to her face. hmmm and some kind of head piece. oh yea, and do the stand if I want to send her to Kansas City.

-There are the 2 Womens’ Home Companion Dolls. I have been working on a sailor suit for one of them. I’ve got the middy almost done (still the button holes or loops to go).

-There is the cranky looking scraggly haired kid… I am trying out different kinds of hair and fabric colors and textures. Just laying stuff on and letting it sit so that I catch sight of her out of the corner of my eye.

-Then there are the 3 painted gourds- just faces so far. They are the farthest from being done, unless I get hooked by one of them.

-I have to choose which dolls to send to Kansas City. I need to choose 2 that I’ve already finished and then get Haze done.

-Oh yes, and then there is my Deare girl. The little one! I need to get all the pattern pieces together for the clothing and write the directions and get them off to Ike. And paint her shoes blue… those brown shoes just don’t go with the dress I ended up making!

2 thoughts on “OK, Let’s get started

  1. Pingback: inaminuteago - the blog » Doll

  2. Hi Mimi!!!
    I absolutely love your website. Whenever I am feeling dull-witted as a cloth doll maker, I ‘tune in to Mimi’!!! You seem to have a lot of energy (I wish I did too) and you get so much done. When I first started following your doll art website, you were giving instructions and photos on how you made your beautiful painted dolls. I remember photos of legs and arms clothes pinned to drying lines. You talked about a ‘mixture’ you made up for the layers on their faces. I can’t find anything on your website like this anymore…did you remove it? I was just curious. I am with you; I spend way too much time on some of my dolls; sometimes a year or so. I am trying to search a way to have fun and make things that aren’t so expensive or take so dang long to make!

    I also want to comment on your interview video. I watch it over and over just to see your studio which resembles mine except yours is neat and tidy and mine looks like a bomb exploded. Some days I just stand in the doorway and look at it and decide that I don’t even want to deal with the mess and ergo I don’t want to make anything because I don’t like hunting around. My husband has next week off and has promised to help me make a dent in the art room.

    Mimi, I would love to know something about the fish in your video. It is gorgeous and I would love to know if you made a pattern for it. It looks like the face is similar to your painted doll heads; the body has really cool fabric and the fish ‘feet’ are lame….Do you have a pattern for it? I would love to make one just for the fun of it.

    Keep up the great work at art, baking, photography, mothering, traveling and basically being a person who is really enjoying her life!!!


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