Back from the Fair


The dolls have safely returned from the Kansas City Doll Fair. This is my report-

First there is Jane. She is a gourd head doll. She was entered into the professional category of “Original” dolls (not cloth) in the “Character” division.

This is what I wrote on my entry tag- She is inspired by folk art portraits. Gourd head, painted with acrylic paint. Jointed, undressable doll, not posed.

She came home with a Blue Ribbon and a score of 94. This is what was written on the judging form-
“I love the gourd-doll concept and the use of it in a 19th century doll! Your next task- in my mind- is pulling it together so the viewer’s eye is not drawn to particular “parts”. For example, I love the face, the head, but immediately thought it wass too big. I know it should be larger then normal proportion, but if the body were even 1- 1 1/2″ taller, it would help. Also, the shadowing around the eyes could be a little more subtle. To me, it calls attention to the shadow- not the eyes. I’m being picky, and as you can see I gave you a great score. It’s the nuance now that I’m addressing.”

My take? odd- I had thought that the body was approaching too tall, so I guess I don’t agree there. I appreciate the judge taking the time to write so much. What a job it must have been. Unfortunately I can’t say I got anything useful from this evaluation.

0 thoughts on “Back from the Fair

  1. Mimi:
    She is wonderful, and who cares about 1 – 1 1/2 inches Picky Picky Picky. The shading? I don’t get it either, I think it defines the bridge to her nose very well and gives it a lot of depth. If that is all she could comment on that she saw wrong What does that tell you. Wonderful job! Proud of you, you do a great job with all of your dolls. I admire your work and the history behind your work.

  2. Congrads ,Mimi!
    She does indeed put me in mind of the 19th C. paintings.
    Your painting is Exquisite.
    Her height is exactly right.
    There is real harmony in her whole composition ,truly Blue ribbon award from all of us too.

  3. Dear Mimi,
    Just got to your website (been saving up emails).

    I love shadowing of eyes! Also dress. No opinion on head size, but sheen may make head seem larger. Charming!