Miss Columbia doll


This is a doll that was on eBay this week. Such a strange way to loose color- only at the eyes. I can only think there was mistakes made in the way the paint was applied or the doll head was prepared for painting. The interesting thing to me is that the doll still looks nice, the face is still recognizable as an Emma Adams painted face… so much better then the awful repaints I’ve seen go by on eBay.


This is a Miss Columbia style doll by Susan Fosnot. I will be taking a class from her at WOW in May. I am collecting photos of the original dolls to use as reference.

0 thoughts on “Miss Columbia doll

  1. I would like to find out about taking a class from Susan Fosnot, but am unable so far to find info on the net. Any information you could share about her classes would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much, Sharon