Garden Pictures

I won’t have much tiime to work on the dolls in the next few weeks- costuming for Snow White will be keeping me busy. Today I have been working on finding surfaces in my attic work space… E is home from school for a month and so I had to clear my stuff out of her room. As I work on organizing the mess, I am faced with so many unfinished projects- heads waiting for bodies, naked, hairless dolls waiting for clothes. So much potential! I got a bit side-tracked in my cleaning and sewed the arms and legs on Miss Columbia. She looks much better now.
The pictures of the day are from the garden, which looks wonderful even when neglected-


This is a bush clematis that I grew from seed about 5 years ago. It grows to about 15″ tall and can be floppy, although this one is staying very upright without any support.


Iris- Madame Chereau. It is the oldest named variety of Iris (1844) and is one of my garden heirlooms. I got it from my Mother-in-law, who got it from her Mother-in-law.


Iris- “Flight of Butterflies”


Allium- “Purple Sensation”


Allium Christophii



0 thoughts on “Garden Pictures

  1. I’m looking for a doll lifesize with attachable arms and legs with velcrose to attach to my arms and legs to dance with. Do you see them or do you know where to buy them, if not I will try to make it myself