I don’t make dolls that are posable, but I want to be able to display this doll with her arms up, showing her cape out-stretched. I am working on it…
I sewed a casing that runs along the arms and across the shoulders, on the underside of the cape. I went to the hardware store and bought some dowels, some brass tubing, and brass rods. I quickly decided the dowels were too stiff looking. The brass rod and tubing is more fun to work with. The brass rod fits tightly into the brass tube. I cut a small piece of the tubing- about 1 1/2″- and pushed it into the casing to the shoulder point. I put a rod up the casing, one from each side. The rods can slip into and out of the tube, so that the cape will be held out or down. Now I need to figure out a way to keep the tube in place and make an attachment so that the doll’s hands hold the edge of the cape.
I love the hands and feet on your dolls :) did you make the quilt behind the baby doll? it looks beautiful…
re: i made that kitten (thanks!) with a wonderful fabric that on the wrong side looks just like the wrong side of corduroy and it’s just a little bit thicker. I bought it long ago and never seen anything like it again (I just wish I had bought more…).
Love your work!