I have been doing fiber work of one kind or another since I was a kid, and I started to amass yarn in college… a looong time ago (i.e. the ’70’s). Over the years I have gone through it at least once a year, transferring it from one container to another, sorting and sometimes actually using some of it, and anything that could remotely resemble doll hair is now at the top of the pile. Okay, so here is the point… Now when I go and look at my 4 large bins of yarn that I’ve been dragging around and storing at various locations… IT HAS ALL TURNED UGLY! Nothing is a color that I like anymore! Luckily some of it is white so I guess I could get out the dye pot, but for a person who never wears blue, that seems to be just about all I have. Hmmm, the dangers of stashing!