big green blob


I am sad about my bag. It didn’t felt- I should have figured that out from my swatches. The bag shrunk, but it doesn’t have the denseness and body of a felted piece. I put it through the wash 4 times. I will have to line it if I want to use it as a bag, which means it isn’t a total waste, but still… a lesson here? I think this is an example of doing a swatch but not seeing what I’m seeing.


I am finishing up these half-done pins. Then I really have to shift over into production stuff for holiday sales. Bugs, and little dolls… I am not thrilled about changing direction right now- I’m excited about how the dolls are going.
When the weather is better, I will photograph Sparrow and put the photos in my gallery. If I can count on the weather forecast, that might not be foe several days.