I’ve been away dealing with elder-care issues again. Very stressful. Here are some good things from the last 5 days-
I bought Peter (14 and kid 3)- some dorky Lands End shoes that were on sale. This is what he did to them with Sharpie markers- Cool, eh?!
On the way down to the “old homestead” on Thursday, I stopped in to see Helen, an internet friend. This is a first for me- I only knew Helen through mailing lists, then emails. Now we can put faces into the voice in the mailings- much better! I got to see the dolls she makes and also her extensive doll collection. WoW! It was great! Here are some of my dolls communing with her self-portrait doll.
On Saturday afternoon, Eleanor (kid 1) came up from NY and school and we went to the new IKEA in New Haven. Lots of fun. She got kitchen stuff and bedding, I got things for my work and things for the kitchen. I bought a package of 6 cork placemats… I am going to use them when I need to pin little things down- like blocking small knitting projects. Seems like a great tool- I’ll see how much I use it. I also bought myself a lambskin- either I’ll cut it up for doll hair or it will make my chair more comfortable… it reminds me of babies. I also bought some beautiful rust red linen- one of my favorite colors.
Yes, and just what I need, More Fabric!
I filled up the back of the car with more of my Mom’s fabric stash- silks, linen, wool and God only knows what… I can be sure a piece of the fabric is a natural fiber when it has moth holes in it…
I started another kitty bed while I was away. try and try again.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JULIAN! Now you can vote! (kid 2)
gee, this has been a family heavy post…
Your blog is great. I like it. Does your mum have a fabric shop, btw?