Yes I have been working but doing the (kinda) boring stuff. I pulled out all the man skin parts (wow- that sounds REALLY weird) that I dyed way back in January and got to work cutting out all the other pieces needed to sew them together. Then, stitching them up. This is what I’ve got so far-

A pile of fellows in old-fashioned bathing suits, some ready to get kilts, some farmers, and some greenmen. I think that pile is about 20 future tattooed men. Today I started sewing up a group of mermen. After the mermen are sewed up, I will put them all aside for a bit. I’m going away at the beginning of June and I will wait until I return to get back to work on them. Lots and lots of steps…
I have also been putting time into my garden because of course, it is May! It has been a beautiful Spring so far and the garden is bursting. I’ve gotten started planting my dahlias, all my potted plants have moved outside, and I am sprinkling some annual flower seeds around the yard. I love this time of year.
Amazing. Keep going ! They are all just great. Especially my two men. Every day they bring joy.
Have the best summer