visit with Salley

Salley Mavor came over for a visit today. She was in town to meet with her publisher. She is working on a book of nursery rhymes. She brought some of the pages to show me. They take your breath away with their details and craftsmanship. I took some photos-

this is a detail shot of the chair that the girl is sitting on-

do you see the embroidered detail on the shirt above? Amazing!

I love the bees in this one-

Stone wall of felt and beads. The gate has hooks and eyes for hardware-

And that rat! I love him!

This is what I’ve been working on-

I will post better photos onto the blog and list them on etsy once I get some decent photos.

26 thoughts on “visit with Salley

  1. WOW that just took my breath away its stunning!
    Cant wait till the book is out I will have to keep my eyes peeled it would make a treasured gift for my lil ones

    and how quaint are those tea cups, again im speechless such detail!

  2. Her work is gorgeous! So inspiring! I love your work, too. Those teacup pieces are what drew me to your blog in the first place! So talented!

  3. I’m jealous- I love her work and would love to have the patience to work in such detail myself. I’m happy for you that you got to meet and see her work in progress.

  4. I just loved this post! So much so that I linked to it on my blog — thanks for sharing your visit with Salley — P.S. I’m just lying in wait for those pincushions to hit Etsy….

  5. Pingback: Inspiration: Salley Mavor · Needlework News @ CraftGossip

  6. Thanks so much for the great photos…I’ve been a secret admirer of Salley’s for some time. I look forward in seeing more.

  7. You know, I already come here (to you, to your blog) so often because your work is so very lovely and because you give me hope that there will one day be a quietly fabulous crafty life on the other side of the full-time day job that feeds and houses my family; and then you go and post pictures of Salley Mavor’s work! Jeez-o-pete, my heart went beatbeatbeatbeatbeatBEAT!
    Thank you.

  8. So gorgeous! I went to the RISD alumni sale and came across Salley’s booth a few years ago and fell in love with her work! What a talent – and her attention to detail is unreal!

  9. this post FLOORS me!! thank you for sharing Salley’s work with us (and thanks to Salley for allowing you to put it out there for us!!) i’ve been collecting her children’s books since i first fell in love with her work, it’s nice to know another beauty is on the way. xx

  10. Pingback: Doll » Blog Archive » Salley sneak peak

  11. I love Salley’s artwork. I aspire to do what she does! Thank you for sharing…a book to add to my wishlist.

  12. Absolutely mind blowing … I’ve only just started stump work and looking at Salley’s work has inspired me … because there seems to be no limits on what one can do.

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