and the rest of the story.
We spent a lot of time walking around and on buses. The unlimited transit path is the best.
Great storefront!
I went to the Folk Art Museum and saw a show of paintings by Ammi Phillips. Excellent. I always like to visit the gift shop at MOMA– lots of excellent design. And it is right across the street from the Folk Art Museum so why resist?
The embroidery show was well worth the trip uptown. It was all a little overwhelming- the kind of show that I’d rather visit several times because there is so much to absorb.
Here are some pictures of Central Park- it is always a surprise to me- how there can be this space in the middle of Manhattan.
We spent lots of time on a bus, looking out windows, enjoying neighborhoods.
Isn’t it amazing that NY really looks like this?
And we got home on Saturday night. It was a great trip and already I can’t wait to return. I have been back up in my studio, so I hope I will have some new doll work to show by the end of the week. Goal of the week? Keep warm!
Lovely blog! Great pictures… and you scored one of the Virgin store… which I hear they are closing soon…
Thanks for the visit to New York City! Yes, truly amazing that it really is there and it really looks just like that!
It seems like you had a great time in NY. I would really like to go there too! Maybe some time. At least we have started to discuss it here.
oooh I loved reading all about your NYC trip – it made me homesick! i think i need to jump on the Fung-Wah ASAP