Holiday Sales

julias dolls

Today was the RISD Alumni Holiday Art Sale. It is a great event! Lots and lots of great work, and I saw a few people I knew… always fun! The dolls in the picture are by Julia Lothrop, my new doll friend. She lives near me and found me through my blog- a very good reason to be doing this.
I also saw Salley Mavor. My favorite one of her fairies was Poison Ivy. In the photo you can’t really see the wonderful greenish tint of her face.
Grace Lin’s wonderful illustration drew me over to her table, and as I was looking at her work, it suddenly flashed on me that she is the creator of the Robert’s Snow snowflake project. The snowflakes are all on view here. What an amazing venture.
We drove back home, picked up kids at various places and headed over to the Bazaar Bizarre. As we drove by the building, there was a huge, long line… who knows how long to get in. I didn’t think the rest of my family was interested enough to stand that, so we missed it. I’m sorry about that- I wonder if it would be a decent venue for selling my bugs and other smaller things. I wanted to go because Heidi, from My Paper Crane was there. I thought it would be great to actually connect with someone whose blog I read! O well.

2 thoughts on “Holiday Sales

  1. Pingback: Review: The Object of Nostalgia at A+D Gallery : Bad at Sports

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