NIADA report 3- wrap-up

On Monday, after the conference was officially over, there were some master classes. I took one in the morning with Shelley Thornton on pattern making- doll clothes. It was great to be able to see her doll undressed. She showed us how she uses draping and paper towels to make patterns. I have heard of people using paper towels before, but couldn’t really understand the benefit over any paper- well, that is because I wasn’t buying good enough paper towels! The ones Shelley was using are almost like fabric, but easier to tape together- enlightenment!

shelley class

shelley class 2

In the afternoon I took a color class with Charles Batte. He had a duffle bag full of fabric pieces- mostly silk. We worked on putting colors together for a doll palette and then critiqued each others choices. It was very interesting. I’m thinking of making some postcards out of my choices- to see if I can really make the colors work together.

charles class


I came away with lots to think about. Processing….

0 thoughts on “NIADA report 3- wrap-up

  1. wow! i’m so amazed by all the photos of gorgeous dolls… wow. the color class sounds wonderful, i had a color class in college & i used quilt patterns for all my work, but we had to mix all our own paints out of primary colors & even make our own black. i think that’s why i love picking fabric so much & have little interest in dying it myself!

    p.s. i absolutely love little red riding hood.

  2. Oh what mind blowing stuff!! You must have had absolutely ball of a time just looking at the dolls. No I can’t understand the paper towel method either. I guess I will have to take a class to learn that which at the moment looks rather remote.

  3. thanks for the photographs of all the wonderful dolls-i appreciate seeing them all the more since i was not able to make it over on Sunday. sounds like you had a fun and educational conference. once again, I’m thrilled i got to meet you!!! :)
    (Peanut now calls our fairy “Mimi” :) )

  4. I love that pic of the guy… the way is hand is posed.. so many captions for THAT shot. Great pics it looks like you are having a ball, lucky girl