okay… postcards!

I’ve finished 4 so far- 2 trees


and 2 topiary


I have some problems with the stitching puckering the fabric- sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t-


this is what I am using inside these postcards. It is great- very firm and iron-on adhesive on both sides.


I should do sets of these cards- 10 (or some other random number) of each design at a time. Then I could concentrate on color, stitching and fabric work instead of trying to make each one completely different. As I was making such a big mess the other day, I was thinking that I was approaching this project all wrong. Somehow I was trying to start from a detail (my little sketches) and work out instead of having an image/ composition that I would be working toward.

8 thoughts on “okay… postcards!

  1. What I am thinking is that I will take my sketch and make a set of postcards using that sketch as a starting point or as the composition. Each one will be similar but also unique- like how I make dolls from the same pattern but they are different. I won’t be taking a photo and making prints or something like that. Is that what you wanted to know? I hope I answered your question :-)

  2. I love the topiary! do you think they pucker when you work in a circle? is it machine embroidery? I know what you mean about working in multiples, best laid plans and all that guff! keep it up, love your stuff!

  3. I almost always start with a detail and work around it. I let the project find it’s own way. Less frustrating that way, not trying to force a project to become something it doesn’t want to be.

  4. Pingback: Doll » Blog Archive » postcards- house series

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