This is my new studio

It has been a year since I moved my stuff into my new studio. It is finally feeling like it is working properly. There are still projects to do in the space but for the most part, I am very happy.

This is my entryway. I love my little wallpapered foyer. When I come in, I’m in a different world.

This is where I work. Everything I need is within rolling chair distance. I have storage of fabrics, trims, works-in-progress, etc, in the area behind that was formerly the sleeping nook.

This section (above) is where I can lay out projects that I am working on. There is never enough open flat spaces!

Right now the table is holding the Big Men I’ve been sewing together. Also, plain color fabrics that I’m using for these fellows and 2 fabrics that I got from IKEA. Maybe future shirts?

My ironing board and my view :-)

Looking into the other part of my studio. I’ve got a huge wall-size mirror that makes the room look twice as big. The table is my shipping station. You can see that I hung up my banner from when I used to do tent shows. Never again!

I have a bunch of empty bins now that I’m not sure what to do with. They seem very valuable? Maybe? I will store them for a while :-)

And this is my little kitchen and back hall. I haven’t really done much to make it better. The only thing so far was to take the doors off the top cabinets, paint everything white, and use the space for display. The studio has 10 foot ceilings so the cabinets were never going to get used. Some time I will get around to getting rid of that orange.

And then back around to the entry. There are still things to be done but so far, so good! Hope you liked the tour!

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