Kitty pics and new tools


I take all the fabric out of the closet and the kitty decides the bolt of beautiful black wool is the perfect bed for his orangey self.

Yesterday I was working on shoes-


Today I went to Radio Shack and bought myself some new clamps- doll size. Smooth alligator clips are a great tool- I can’t believe I didn’t discover them sooner!


working on…

I am going to do a workshop this summer on making a gourd head doll. I have no experience doing this type of teaching and I’m very nervous. I am doing a test workshop tomorrow, with just one friend. I am trying to be more aware of how I do things… and also simplifying how I usually do things.
Test faces-


I have to make notes about the colors I’m using. I have never had to explain it before. I am making stencils for the facial features. I will have to figure out how to explain their placement. All gourds are different so one pattern wouldn’t work for every shape. I think I’ll learn a lot tomorrow.

I am making slow progress on my doll, though I really need to find her a name-


I had a terrible time finding the right fabric and color for her stockings. I must have pulled out at least 20 different fabrics to try. I think these are good. I had some lace all cut and dyed for her cuffs, but somewhere in the move back up to my attic, it got lost. It’ll turn up sometime, I’m sure.

The coat is close to finished. I got the darn lining in. I am working on these frog closures for it- although they are just decorative. The coat also has hook fasteners sewed in so they won’t show.




It’s a hat.

I’m working on all the fussy stuff. I’ve been struggling to get the coat lining in place- it would be easier to do if I had any idea what I was doing! Lots of ripping out going on. I’ve got the snaps and hooks sewed onto the shirt and puffy pants. I am having a real dilemma finding the right color and fabric for her stockings.

misc. 2

and some progress reports-

I am working on several things and am mostly trying to get fixed up again in my attic, but I did get this done-


this is a collar with lace. I “dyed” the lace a purplish grey by painting it with watered down acrylic paint. I’ve used this technique before.

and then my quilt-


I am doing the last bit of hand stitching on the binding- the end is in sight!


I am working on the doll’s clothing. I hand-stitched the bands on the waistband and leg cuffs. I am now working on the coat.
The coat is made from an antique (I think) coat or robe that I got at an estate sale. The robe is completely covered with moth holes. The design of the robe is almost exactly what I want my doll coat to look like- fitted bodice, flowing skirt.


Here is a closer picture of the bodice- maybe you can see some of the moth holes.


Here is a detail of the fabric- it is wool with chain-stitch embroidery. The lining is silk.


I has having some trouble trying to place the pattern pieces around the damaged areas so this is what I did-


I taped it onto the window! That way I could see the holes. I had no trouble finding enough fabric for the smaller pieces, but it was a real challenge to cut out the 2 pieces for the skirt. I wanted to make it out of one solid piece but that wasn’t possible.

And here is where I am now-


lots more work to do on it, but at least I know it fits. woohoo!

By the way, I have finished quilting all the circles on my quilt! Now I just have to put on the binding. I can’t believe that there is an end in sight for this forever project!

finally- dolls!

Last week I spent some time communing with my fabric stash and it has inspired me- as I’d hoped it would. I’ve finally gotten started on dressing one of these poor girls!


Here is my sketch and also a photo that I’d cut out of the newspaper a few months ago. It is a picture from the movie A Series of Unfortunate Events. I like the coat that she is wearing.


So far I have done the basic sewing on the shirt and pants. I have finished the hand sewing on the pants since I took the photo. Tomorrow I hope to make a muslin mock-up of the coat.

some stuff gets done

2 little knitting projects- a sweater and a scarf-


working away on my quilt. The big picture-


it’s a queen size. And a close-up of what I am doing now-


I am stitching a circle in the middle of every 4 blocks. I keep thinking about Easter eggs and sewing circles… that’s because I am still brain-foggy with my cold/flu recovery. Everything is still going in slow motion.

I have been feeling totally uninspired about designing clothes and dressing my dolls, mostly because I’ve been feeling lousy, but also I decided it was because I haven’t been surrounded with all my fabrics- a problem when I move out of the attic because of cold weather. I need to see and touch my materials!
Yesterday I spent some time getting reacquainted with my stash. I put together some groupings of fabrics that I am excited about- now I can get out the sketchbook and start drawing.

vintagey reds-


pinky-purple organics swirls-


this looks far eastern exotic to me-


and some trims to inspire me-


adding pieces

5 dolls

I’ve been working on these dolls as a group. I love how the dolls seem to come to life when their body parts are assembled. Adding the arms and legs do a lot, but the hair starts to really give them a personality. I’ve been playing with the wigs on different heads. These 5 dolls are made from 3 different patterns but even 2 dolls from the same pattern will not be able to fit the same wig perfectly. There is too much variation due to stuffing, I guess.

3 dolls

I will be sending 2 dolls to the Kansas City Doll Fair for the competition. I have to get to work and make doll stands for the ones I’ll be sending. I am thinking it will be Tallulah and Autumn. As far as I can figure out, the dolls really have to be on a stand and you can’t just have a plain stand… it has to add to the whole look. So I better get to work on that!

I am in a real dilemma about the Kansas City Doll Fair. I would love to go and see it. The only similar type event I’ve been to was WOW/04, which I didn’t particularly love, so I’d like to experience a different one. I would love to see the doll competition. They get loads of dolls entered- 194 last year. Loads of pictures here. I’d like to see the vendors, especially people who go to show/sell their dolls. Also, I could get a face to face critique from a member of ODACA. I am not interested in taking any of the workshops though. My biggest hesitation is that I don’t know anyone to go with or to meet up with. I am not the kind of person who mingles well, who is outgoing with strangers or is very comfortable traveling alone. I could see myself going and coming home again, having made no connections, having talked to no one about the things that interest me, or seeing what I’d like to see in Kansas City. I’m just not good at this part of life. So, I’m waffling.

cashmere goat hair


This fur I’m using is cashmere goat. I am really liking how it looks- although I am struggling with it- I have hairs on everything. So messy. And the skin is thicker then other furs I’ve worked with. Less flexible.

I’ve got the arms pinned on to check the look. Also, I’m still fighting with redesigning the feet. I’ll have to decide if the aggravation gets me a better look or not. Sometimes it is hard to be objective and throw something away after lots of work.

doll parts

Little hands-


and here they are, stuffed up to the elbow and a coat of gesso. The next step is sanding. Also, 1 foot.

hands and foot

I am redesigning (or trying to) the foot for these dolls. I want a flat sole that will fit well (better then what I’ve been using) into shoes. I’m not there yet… that’s on the list for today.
I am making wig patterns for these dolls- that is why the felt and clips on head. And that’s my Moomin mug!

2 faces

Fur for doll hair. I will be playing with hair dye again. 2 problems from last time- I missed some spots with the black dye so have odd white patches- I need to be more careful with that. Also, they have a strong chemical smell. I will try to rinse them better, more or else put some kind of conditioner on the furs.
