and now…


Now that I’ve finished Autumn, I have gone to work on what I feel I ought to do instead of what I want to do- that means make some stuff that is likely to sell during the holiday season. I have to support my bad habits after all! So, I am starting with the bug pins. I want to have a bunch for Open Studios this week-end.

Even though I’ve been really busy the last few days I haven’t been neglecting my blog reading… although I have been neglecting answering my email and it’s piling up… well, anyway, I got a very nice comment from Michelle at Another Knitting Blog. I had a great time checking out her knitting projects. I especially loved these bears! I have always liked knitted toys, though I haven’t done much. I am always looking out for examples and patterns. Below are 2 projects from the past. The dog was something for one of the dolls to hold- didn’t actually work out too well, and the other was a little purse/necklace I made for my daughter when she was almost 4 (1988) and having a bad time at nursery school. It is a floppy princess that holds a Chapstick.


thoughts on 2 dolls


The 2 pairs of shoes are just about finished. I am gluing down the threads I used to sew on the buckles.
I am gluing on Autumn’s wig- always a scary step. If the doll’s hair doesn’t look right, the whole doll looks off. Tomorrow is doll club and I want to bring these 2 dolls, as close to finished as possible.
I am disatisfied somehow with Golden Baby. It is odd- I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to do with him and I’ve done it, but he seems to be missing something. I liked him best with no clothes on.
With Autumn, I started out with only the idea that I wanted to make a braided hair wig. When the wig was done, I went through my fabrics, pulling out colors, textures and patterns that seemed to go together. From there I figured out what kind of clothes she would wear, never having more then a vague idea in my head where I was going with it. I am really happy with the way she has turned out. I am wondering, if I look back at the dolls I have been most happy with, will I have gone a similar route?



I am falling in love with this doll. I’ve named her Autumn. Her head and body shape feel just right and there is something in her face that speaks to me. I have got her clothes mostly finished and am working on the details- hems and buttonholes. I still need to make her shoes. I got a beautiful piece of soft brown leather at the fabric/yarn store on Saturday. It should be enough leather for all the dolls I ever make!
In this picture, her wig is pinned on. I finished it, but sewing the cornrows onto the felt, pulled it in enough that I have wet the wig cap again and am stretching it back into shape.
I am still doing little things on Golden Baby- gluing the wig on has been a pain. Also the shoes are giving me some trouble… soon though, I’ll be done enough to post pictures.

Dr. Who?


On Saturday, Peter and I went and bought the yarn colors that I didn’t already have in my stash and I’ve started the Dr. Who scarf. I wonder how far I’ll get by Halloween? I’ve got a lot going on in the next month.



I’m working on my cornrow dolls hair- so far I am very happy with it. The picture below is a view from the inside. This is the part that will be glued to the dolls head.


and here she is with the wig pinned to her head. I need to figure out how to finish the ends at the forehead. The braids are made out of black wool roving, which I stitched onto a felt wig cap.


Golden baby- more progress


I am working on the finishing (I hope) details. Sewed the snaps onto the shoes and lace onto the jacket at the wrists and collar. I am gluing the wig on- I do it in stages, so I don’t make a huge mistake or mess- that is why the doll has a purple sock on his head. The sock puts an even pressure over the wig area while the glue is drying. Also, I’ve dyed the lower arms to be a peachy flesh tone. I spritzed the arms with water so that they were damp and then painted on the dye.
