easy felt rose tutorial

1. Here is the basic pattern. Circle, Fold in half, point A goes to point D, point B goes to point C. Stitch in place.


2. Start out by making a knot at the end of your thread. Pull the needle and thread through the center point of the fabric towards the back.


3. Fold the circle in half, covering up your knot.


4. Imagine your half-circle in thirds and fold as shown-


5. Your half circle is folded into thirds-


6. Now to stitch it into place. Slip your needle and thread up the inside of the outer petal-


7. Stitch back into the fabric at the tip of the outer point. Slide your needle and thread back down to the bottom- you’ve done one stitch.

8. Now slide your needle up into the center of your rose.


9. Bring your thread around and stitch back down into the center. This will catch the inner fold and pull it down into the center.

10. Ta- da!

11. Take a stitch or two in the bottom to anchor everything.


12. You can add a leaf or two and then sew it where ever it needs to be!


45 thoughts on “easy felt rose tutorial

  1. It’s wonderful to see your hands. I can’t quite describe it in a way that will make sense, but your kindness and love (particularly for doll making) is visible in your hands. I hope that doesn’t sound strange since I do mean it in a sincere way.

  2. Pingback: Grab a cuppa - and have a browse « In a Minute Ago

  3. I am so crazy about your nature lady. She is so beautiful and unique. Her wings are a stroke of genius. The felt flowers are lovely as well. Stopping by here is such a wonderful treat!

    Happy weekend!
    -Emily x

  4. ..thank you so much for this lovely tutorial,i love roses and i was not able to make one of this thanks again!!!

  5. Pingback: n°5 rosen in dosen « dieTauschlade

  6. Pingback: Tutorial: Easy felt rose · Needlework News @ CraftGossip

  7. Pingback: As Flores de Tecido Não Morrem - II «

  8. By looking at your post, I can easily say that it is so easy to create that rose but I know making that one is not that easy. Anyway, there is no harm in trying ^_^

  9. Pingback: Hello world! « Felted Jumper Arms

  10. Cool !!! It’s been ages that I wanted to try doing this rose bud but did not know where to start!! Thanks alot for the tutorial. very useful indeed.. I love to make this for my brooch and hair bands.. really love it…

  11. Pingback: 3 Easy Felt Rose Tutorials « DIY Maven

  12. Pingback: Easter Wreath « Casa Sosegado

  13. Pingback: Scrapbooking & Paper Crafting Tutorials

  14. ola sabichona linda!!!!!
    amei, vou fazer um monte!!!!
    obrigada, felicidades

  15. Pingback: Easy felt rose tutorial · Felting @ CraftGossip

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