and the winner is…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-08-06 16:09:45 UTC

*** Drumroll please***

Sister Diane!

If people are interested, I can check into how much printing would cost and then get some more of these into my Etsy shop. Would people rather have an academic year calendar or a 2010 year calendar?

birthday give-away!

It is a Mimi calendar!

It goes from September 2009-

to August 2010-

with lots of goodies in-between!

All you need to do is leave me a Happy Birthday greeting comment on this post before Wednesday night becomes Thursday, Eastern Standard Time. I will pick the winner on Thursday at some point by random number generator. I am happy to mail it anywhere.

This was one of the projects I did in my Photoshop class. Don’t worry, I’m keeping the one with all the mistakes.