Spring atc swap

This has been one of those freak-out weeks. I am leaving today to teach my workshop on Cape Cod. I will be gone for a little more then 2 days, but getting ready for these things makes me stressed for weeks beforehand. The good thing is that I’ve done it once before and so have notes and a little bit of experience. The other good thing is that it motivates me to finish up all kinds of other stuff that has nothing to do with the workshop- my crazy deadline reaction. I had to get these atcs done and in the mail today for Amy’s Spring swap.

spring atcs

I made little envelopes out of my mom’s old Vogue magazines. Fun!

atc envelopes

I am contemplating putting the 5 that I don’t swap up for sale on ebay, but that seems like a sin somehow…. I’m thinking about it…

7 thoughts on “Spring atc swap

  1. Hi Mimi- they are all great! You could save them to include with the items you sell on etsy. I’ve been out of the loop for a while. I’ve enjoyed seeing all your latest projects. I’m really loving the fat fairies and grandmas. Wish I could be at your class this weekend!

  2. Ah, just adorable and sweet ATCs. And I really like your envelopes made from the vintage Vogues. What a great idea, again!

  3. I love ’em all! I agree with selling them in the etsy shop, rather than eBay (do people often sell ATCs on ebay? I’ve never checked)

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