thinking about…



and working on fairies-


I had a wonderful surprise yesterday. Last month I cleared out a container full of old cassette tapes. I threw some away, others I piled into a box and brought up to my studio. Slowly I’ve been listening to them and deciding if they are worth keeping (a lot are damaged in some way- they sound like a warped record). It has been a strange trip back to other times in my life, as far back as the early 70’s. Yesterday, I tried out a tape with no label- I thought it might just be a blank tape. Little kid voices started singing “Happy Birthday to you”, slowly. Eleanor and Julian, I think. They got to “Happy Birthday, dear (who was it going to be for???) mommie/ mom” -they hadn’t agreed on that part I guess- I got chills! They went on to sing several more songs- talk about being sent back to another time! I could picture the whole project being organized and excecuted.

4 thoughts on “thinking about…

  1. Thank you for the story about finding the hidden treasure of love songs. Wow….

    I am excited to see more fairies…because they are my favorite.

    My beautiful fat fairy has brought me lots of good luck.

    Love you, M

  2. this happened to me recently with a telephone answering tape. I heard my then 3 year old (now nearly 12) daughter talking to friends she’d left a message for and that they’d kept, unbeknownst to me. I almost fell to my knees, I can’t even describe what it was like. What is it about these things that makes us cry?

  3. what a wonderful unexpected surprise you got!! :) what a joy!!! that fabric for your next fairy looks scrumptous!! can’t wait to see her.

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