more swaddled babies

The baby dolls were the biggest seller when I did the sale, so now I am making more for the next sale… production. I haven’t done production in a long time and I can’t say I’m loving it. I am feeling stressed and anxious, over tired and like I have way too much to do. Actually a lot of that is holiday related- I think this comes on me every year. So many demands, so many disruptions. But, in the end, I tend to find deadlines inspiring and I am happy with how these babies came out. I played around a bit with the proportions and the pattern. The face is bigger and the body a slightly different shape. It always amazes me how much difference even a slight change in the pattern can make in the end shape. Also, how different the doll can look, depending on the fabric- this is mostly about the stretch and the stuffing.

This first little one is made from an old wool blanket-

blue baby

I love this vintage ribbon-

blue baby face

This one was a vest from LL Bean in a former life-

check baby

I am finally getting to use all the great ribbons I’ve been collecting for so long-

check baby face

I love this brown ribbon. Both the green fabric and the ribbon were from my mom’s stuff-

green baby

green baby face

And lastly, this little red baby-

red baby

I combined several ribbons here-

red baby face

There is another photo here on Flickr. All of them, together, in the basket.

0 thoughts on “more swaddled babies

  1. Oh, I love these babies even more than the previous ones you made. They look even cuter. I love the green and the red/black one especially.

  2. OOOH- so wonderful. I am in love with these- especially the one in the white cap and green blanket. They are marvelous! I adore fulled sweaters beingused to create, and I have to say, I am reminded of my brand-new bebe who loves being swaddled right now. Your designis so perfectly on target. No wonder they do so well!

    Sorry about your stress levels- I understand completely- I always ask myself- “what was I thinking?” when I am making, and then feel SOOO much better and feel it was well worth the push when done.

  3. no one could resist giving those a hug! a can see why they are such good sellers. Re the holiday season, it can be stressful, seems to be designed that way, just keep breathing in and out!