What’s happening


I’m working on some fancy swaddled babies- lots of applique.  I have covered my table with all my favorite fall kind of colors.

We went to the Peabody Essex Museum on Sunday to see the Joseph Cornell show, among other things.  The show is large with an amazing amount of his work.  Unfortunately I was left with mixed feelings about the experience- the exhibit was very dimly lit to protect the artwork, but really, what is the point- I could hardly see the pieces.  It was frustrating.  I also couldn’t understand the theory of how they arranged the show.  It wasn’t chronological or based on themes or anything else I could figure out.  That always leaves me feeling confused.

The other exhibit I was excited about seeing, was an origami show.  It was fantastic!   No crowds, no shoving, absolutely mind boggling constructions.  One that I can’t stop thinking about,  was a giant squid attacking a sailing vessel… all made out of one sheet of paper.  Incredible!  There was a hands-on area too.  You can check out instructions here-  Ben and I both made butterflies.  Fun!  I was very into origami when I was a kid.  The enthusiasm has carried over.

The other show we wanted to see in Salem, was “Ode to Cornell-  What would Joseph Do”.  Abby had 2 pieces in the show so I particularly wanted to go check it out.  It was so much fun to see after seeing the Cornell show at the PEM.

5 thoughts on “What’s happening

  1. I’m glad someone else was underwhelmed by the Cornell exhibit. I thought it had something to do with the extraordinarily cranky 13 year-old pulling me past it all!

    I’d also like to hear more about Ode to Cornell – it seemed as though much of his work was extremely personal reflections on moments we can’t see. Seeing someone else’s extremely personal reactions to him would be slightly more accessible (?).

    I loved seeing your baby flowers in pictures, and then something like it showed up at the fabric store I thought you’d gone suddenly commercial! I like yours much better.

  2. Looks like a great museum. Poor lighting does spoil things though. Applique and felt, I was just thinking this morning about fall – looks like it is already happening on your table.

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