tattoo man in a bathing suit

Old style bathing suit. I believe these suits were knitted of wool. Now that makes ya think!


I have really been enjoying doing the man faces. I never felt confident drawing mens faces until I started doing all these guys. I would try to draw a man but usually I thought the faces looked feminine. But, practice, practice! I get better!



I put 2 more (different) photos of this doll in my Flickr photostream.

Today is the last day to enter the 2nd Annual Softie Awards. I entered this year- I had to. They had a category for Embroidery!

13 thoughts on “tattoo man in a bathing suit

  1. oh my, mimi! i adore all of your tattoo men, but this one, oh this one i have lost my heart to. best of luck on the softie awards. truly, how could you not win?! :)

  2. Mercy…this swimsuit feller is just tremendous. I never found these suits attractive before, but of all your tattooed men, he’s the one for me. Excellent work (and a lovely mustache)!

  3. Yes, he truly is magnificent in the striped bathing suit! You must take him to the beach and have a proper photo shoot! :-)

    Great work!

  4. Oh he’s completely fantastic! I’m transported to the circus and thoughts of lion tamers and elephants. All of his details are spot-on. Love his stripey suit. Really, he’s just wonderful. Perfect. He’s my favourite thus far.

  5. Yesterday, a man that looked just like this guy walked up to my front door. He had on shorts and a tank top. I immediately thought of you.
    He came by to get his 15-year-old nephew who was visiting here.
    I wanted to say something to him, but “I know a woman that makes dolls that look like you,” did not seem appropriate.

  6. Mimi-

    Are the tattooed man for sale? I want to order one for my husband for Father’s Day. I love the one in the Old Fashioned Bathing suit. Can I get one
    by June 12th?
    Please let me know. I can pay ASAP. I love them!


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