I think I use that title a lot.
I have been all over the place for the last week. I’ve had visitors to my studio from Portugal and New York. I started some new boy dolls but have put them aside. The Purl girl generated a ton of emails and comments which left me feeling sort of discombobulated- well, unable to focus at any rate. I think I am back on track now though- I’m working on some robots… haven’t been there for a while.
Survey results- That was so much fun- I will have to do more surveys! Tiny world was the clear winner. Which is great because the pattern is mostly done already! This week I plan (hope) to get the photos done.
And, I spent some time this weekend going through old photo albums. I needed to find some childhood photos for the handmade portrait project. It was a challenge to find any family photos of 5 little kids where everyone looked semi-human, the photo was in focus, and the light was decent. This one is obviously post-childhood, but I thought it was the cutest one I found-
1979- Childrens Museum in Boston
Mim Levine
I love these two photos. so cute
I’m so excited that you are going to do the tiny world pattern! I have 3 teacups just waiting for it. Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration your dolls provide.
It would be nice to see boydolls too :)
you and ben?? ADORABLE!!! i think you two should do the 2009 version and pop into a photobooth to try and recreate this. you are just too, too cute!!
(i’m excited to see your Tiny world pincushion too)
That is my beautiful wife!
Oh, I love that your hubby commented—*sweet* Of course you couldn’t have been much past childhood there ; ). I can’t wait to get my grubbies on that Tiny World pattern—-yeah!