working on…

Packaging up the new magnet sets. Until I ran out of bags. Now I am waiting for new ones to arrive.

Hard copy patterns. I still have to make the cds. Each step is a learning process, including getting my files to the printer.

And the dolls. In progress and also a few are being re-thought and tweaked.

Countdown to Renegade.


I’m off to Minneapolis tonight. It always seems to take me a few days to get back into things, once I return. I am leaving some partly finished dolls, all ready to work on. I am hoping this will help me jump back into the studio when I return.

3 tattooed ladies and one tattooed man-

And here is what I am stitching- a grey-haired, mostly bald dude. I’m having fun with my variegated floss.

See you next week!

a little bit of this,

and a little bit of that.

This happens to me all the time. I finished up the fish project, went to NYC, had my class and then … well I am completely scattered. I’ve got a group of tiny worlds started-

and I’ve been wanting to dye a pile of toile fabric- I’d been in the middle of that project back at the beginning of February when I veered off to the fish. And the pile of fabric, the pots, the dye, have all been sitting on the kitchen counter for the month. So, I did that at the beginning of the week-

Okay, and then there are the girl dolls that have been haunting me since last summer. They were cut out in August, put in a bin and have been sitting there, waiting for me.  I really think I need to make them before anything else. Really, yes, haunting me. There are 4. I sewed one together last night.

And lastly, there are the partially finished projects that always seem to get left behind when I move on to the next thing- one fish, one tattooed man-

It will sort itself out as it always does. Things don’t progress in a nice straight line- just wanted to make sure you know it is not just you.

* Fish Sightings! * Here and Here! See- nobody can make just one.