So much going on!
We’ve been to Minnesota and are back. Another child graduated from college. I think we are getting pretty good at this!
Let me see- so much to report. An article/interview about me was published in my local weekly paper and is online here. The article happened because of the firemen with dolls photo that my husband forwarded to the local paper.
I had a wonderful blogger meet-up in Minneapolis and I am sending a HUGE thank you to Kristin! Firstly, although I brought my camera, I forgot to take any photos- typical. She did not forget and did this lovely post. She hosted 4 of us for a delicious lunch and we talked craft and internet and blogging and kids and thrifting and … yes, on and on. There was Erika, Susan (and her post on the day) and Susan’s daughter Hannah who has a blog but I didn’t catch the name. Then, after the party broke up, Kristin showed me her school and drove me around to meet back up with my family. Terrific!
Then, lots of graduation festivities. I’m not really sure how much Julian wants to be outed so I’ll just show a piece of him-
Hurray! Or, as he would say, Huzzah.
Sunday was spent doing some Minneapolis things- a farmers market, the Walker, the sculpture park, the downtown library, an Eleanor conducted tour of the Guthrie and a lot of just walking around.
I am exhausted now but tomorrow it is back to work- only 2 1/2 weeks until Renegade!
Congrats on Julian’s graduation!
I had to laugh at your post. At first I was struck by the fact that a part of your son is a nice looking young man (can’t vouch for the un-photographed parts!). And then I noticed the Macalester diploma – we have Macalester very much on our minds now, as my daughter is contemplating a transfer there in the fall. I hope it was a great experience for him, and that Leah will find it so as well.
Mazel tov! What a wonderful trip. I have my own Spoon Cherry Bridge photos, but what a difference a few months makes. Visiting with Kristin and her family, seeing her school – so lovely. And may I say, on a side note, that asparagus is gargantuan!
it was so wonderful seeing you again mimi!! it’s fun to see all the familiar places in my city on your blog :)
go julian!!!