Sometimes I will say yes to a special order or commission. When someone asks me to do something that makes it obvious that they understand and appreciate my work I am more likely to say yes. A tattooed lumberjack- Yes! A Christmas stocking with traditional tattoo images? Uh, no. (yes, that is an actual example that recently came through my inbox)
I love this guy!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving if you are in the part of the world that celebrates. I think I made my best apple pie ever!
He is fantastic Mimi! So burly – even his shirt can’t contain him! I need to commission a lumberjack. I’ll email you, when I get less crazy.
He is a bit special!
Muscled beautifully!
Shirt open to the waist makes it.
Wow. This is a perfect commission for you. Any chance he’ll become a regular item in your repertoire? I love him. I like the stocking tattoo too.
Glad you made your best pie ever! How great. My turkey tured out pretty good too. Yeah, hope you and all your blog readers had a great Thanksgiving!!!!
He’s great! I always love the little details you add like the suspenders, and the axe. I sure wish I could try that apple pie, mmmm!
He is amazing, love his axe!
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