night baby with luna moth

I’ve been a bit obsessed with Luna Moths for a while now. This photo went by in my Flickr photostream last May and it’s been haunting me. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to fit a luna moth image into what I do. I was worried that moths on babies might have a giant ick factor. I got over it.

The moth and the moon are cashmere- so soft.

leaf and embroidery details-

Baby on a blanket-

I have only seen a Luna Moth once in my life- 30 years ago. I vividly remember the feeling of awe.

8 thoughts on “night baby with luna moth

  1. Woe! What a nice doll! At the beggining of summer, my boyfriend and I each found one of these beautiful butterflies, those are pretty rare here in Quebec! I love your work Mimi!! Have a veautiful magical week-end!

  2. Mimi, what a very beautiful baby. No ick here at all- just beauty! Do you remember the big moth in Dr. Doolittle?

  3. Beautiful baby, no problem with the moth. It’s odd, but I just saw one of these huge moths on my screen last night–helps that I have a window right in front of my desk. (BTW, does anyone know what purpose moths found in life before the invention of the light bulb?)

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  5. Hi Mimi : Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to Mimi, Happy Birthday to you~~~~~~~~~.
    Love your Luna Moth it turned out great ! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday ! My daughter is turning 40 ! They threw her a birthday party Sat night, now that makes me feel OLD ! )-:

  6. The last time I saw a luna moth, I was 7 years old. I am now 45 and STILL remember the sense of awe I felt.
    I also wanted to be a vet and read all of the Dr. Dolittle books – there was a luna moth in those stories that mesmerized me.
    Your baby is PERFECT with the luna moth. Just beautiful!

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