18 thoughts on “doll- stripes, knots, buttons

  1. …….your worry meter didn’t need to be on high- she is lovely! I love the cutouts on yellow collar, the edging on skirt, the detailing on the back of the head/hair. Absolutely beyooootiful.

  2. I’m just a lurking Google Reader subscriber, but I had to comment on this doll. She is so beautifully crafted, and your treatment of the hair is inspired. Bravo!

  3. Brilliant! Your new studio is a perfect backdrop for photos – and her hair detail is genius! I’m smiling… again :)

  4. i ADORE her! i love the detail of her hair and the sweet yellow collar… perfect

  5. Oh how I love that hair Mimi!
    She’s beautiful.
    Beautiful, moody 3rd shot too.

  6. I love all your dolls that you make, but the hair on this one is especially beautiful – your dolls are always so full of character and whimsy :)

  7. Do you make the ruffly edge of the skirts or do you get fabric that already has that edge. If you make it, can you tell me how? I would love to have that skill

  8. I, probably among many, would love to know about that ruffly edge of that skirt, too! Very sweet!

  9. Your work is just beyond incredible. I really terribly want one (or more!) of your dolls. Just wondering if you sell dolls like this one – I don’t see her in your etsy shop and I see that you don’t upload a lot of stuff there. Do you sell at other venues? I am in Marrakech and so I suppose that would be a bit tricky.

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