This sweet girl is ready for all adventures- she has a backpack full of maps and she is ready to go.

More sweater fun-

Look at her snazzy backpack!

Her very first adventure-

This sweet girl is ready for all adventures- she has a backpack full of maps and she is ready to go.
More sweater fun-
Look at her snazzy backpack!
Her very first adventure-
Time has been so crazy in 2020. Summer went by so fast. These next 2 pups are about summer fun.
I made them as a couple but they probably won’t stay that way. I will show you all of the ladypup details today. Tomorrow for the manpup.
Here she is in her tropical print shirt and skirt. She has a flowered sunhat and her basket of beach supplies.
A button at the back of her skirt. And here she is with all her stuff-
If this was a person outfit, her green jacket would be thick wool but this sweet pup is all about the soft cashmere.
A close-up of her sweater and the heart buttons. And here is a pic of the back of her skirt.
I am going to do one sale this Autumn- Art Providence, November 8 – 10. That is less than 1 month away so that is what I am currently working toward.
There is a Friday evening event and then Saturday and Sunday. I will have 4 free admission tickets available so email me if you are interested ( I also have a code for discount tickets if the free tickets get claimed. Here is the deal-
Get $2 off per ticket to the Art Providence Show when you pre-purchase on-line! Go to After clicking “Select A Date” and preferred “Tickets” button, click Enter Promo Code at the top of the screen. Enter the code ARTIST19. Click Apply. Tickets will change to $8 apiece. Choose quantity and check out. Receive e-mail confirmation of tickets ordered and present this at the Box Office for admission into the Art Providence Show.
The other place to see my work in person will be at the Society of Arts and Crafts in Boston, in a show called Child’s Play. The show will run from November 21 (Opening Reception 6pm to 9pm) to January 18, 2020.
Pause here for photos of dolls :-)
I mostly hanging out online if you want to keep up with what I am doing. Obviously you know I have this blog ( but did you know that you can get all the posts delivered right to your email box by clicking on the subscribe button in the top right-hand corner of my homepage?
I am most active on my Instagram account and most of those posts go directly to my Facebook business page. I have a twitter account but I rarely post.
I sell my work through my Etsy shop but I also sell quite a few pieces directly from the blog or Instagram. If you see something you like, email me or message me and I can send you details. It doesn’t commit you to anything, it just gives you first refusal for when the piece is finished.
Is there anything else you’d like to know? I always love hearing from you!
This is the last girl doll for now. She is another girl wearing everyday clothes, the kind that she’d wear to school or a day with friends.
She has a nice cashmere sweater to fancy things up. Her bookbag has her school necessities.
I love this dress. I’d definitely wear one like it.
I will be putting these up on etsy tomorrow but is you see one that you are interested in, email me at The girls are $500 ea, free shipping.
A lot of the girl dolls I make are all dressed up and ready to party. Sometimes It’s fun to dress for the messy, get-your-feet-dirty times. I gave this sweet girl clothing that will take her out for a day of adventuring.
She has a day pack with some fun-day essentials.
Here is what she looks like under her shirt- a white onesie.
Very seasonal for October, right? You may or may not know that I listen to audio when I work; mostly audiobooks but also podcasts. I recently listened to a fantasy book, Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw, and loved it. The main character is Greta and she is described as very pale with white blond hair. The descriptions in books can get caught up in the spiderweb that is my brain and appear in whatever I am working on.
She is wearing a dark grey cashmere sweater with antique knitted lace at the collar and a fancy antique button. She has a grey lacy scarf knotted around her neck.
Her bag is full of important things- notebooks, mushrooms, coins.
What have I been doing? Working on some girls! I am putting together 8 but plan to get 4 finished up for now- and by that I mean before my next show. Next show you ask? I will be returning to the Arts Providence Show this November 8- 10.
Working on faces-
And 4 with hair-dos.
While I work towards a show, I don’t usually put new things into my etsy shop. If you see something go by that you are interested in, email me and I can give you all the details.
It is really Autumn here now and I took the air conditioner out of my studio window today. There are frost warnings in the outer suburbs but it is unlikely to reach me. I hope to have lots more weeks of dahlias to enjoy!