Martin Luther King Birthday weekend sale!

All the brown skin dolls are 20% off. I’ve changed all the prices in my shop to reflect the savings. There are other dolls for sale too- ones that I have had just too long and it is time for them to go live with someone else. The sale will run through Monday 1/17.

3 thoughts on “Martin Luther King Birthday weekend sale!

  1. I have been following your blog and your work since my older daughter sent me the Etsy video…don’t remember how long ago that was..but I had just started blog-following…and oh, it takes up so much time. But I just love, love, love, your work and am so happy that you are having a sale. Yeah, I am the one that snatched up the Sweater Baby and Red Riding Hood first thing Thursday morning. Thank You! I posted about my purchase on my fairly new blog….

  2. Congrats on a very successful MLK weekend sale! It looks as though you have some very happy blog followers with some new art in their homes :D

  3. I LOVE these, especially the one in the middle on the left, with the cute little balls on her head. Did you draw on the skin? love, Beth

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