slow motion

I feel like I am moving in slow motion. I’ve been working on a few things. Some of the poor tattooed men on the table  went down to Connecticut and back, several times, hoping to get some stuffing. But no. They are still as flat as I seem to be feeling.

I am working just as slowly through all the emails that backed up in the week of distraction. If you haven’t heard from me about something, you might want to try again. I may have lost track of your email.

I did have a birthday recently and bought myself a new toy… um, no, I mean important tool for my business.

An IPad! And I made my present a present! I tend to get a bit overwhelmed when confronted with a new electronic toy so I tip-toe around it for a while. But, hey, I know how to make a felt sleeve. We are bonding.

And, I’d love to hear about your favorite apps for crafty biz and for fun.

And lastly, thank you so much for all your kind words and condolences regarding my Dad. I added a link to his obit at the bottom of the post.

7 thoughts on “slow motion

  1. Slow motion captures exactly the way it feels – you’re so right, Mimi. It’s OK to let the dust settle a while and leave the busy-ness to others. There is a season…

    I’m liking your new toy’s jacket. Can’t advise on more gifts for it as I’m app-less myself. Look forward to seeing what you turn up, though.

  2. I don’t think the iPad needs many gifts. Brother sent me a Pogo stick which I sometimes draw with at my various painting apps and send pics off to friends, but the finger works fine as well. I keep mine in Apple’s basic cover and at night, after reading a book on it, I put it to sleep in a padded cover I got for something else. Once in the Apple store my iPad fell off the side of a table and dented enough not to close off. Since it was so new and they were moving into newer ones, I was gifted a newby. I became a grateful fan.

    I had searched for your father’s obiituary and am so glad you posted it. It brought appreciative tears to my eyes and I sent it on to my family who were there when he was or went to the med school. Many hugs.

  3. Peggle is the best game ever, and super fun to play on the iPad. I highly recommend it!

  4. Pingback: Doll » Blog Archive » IPad sleeve 2.0

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