Wow! What a week!

I taught 4 classes- 4 nights and 2 weekend days. Phew! And I learned so much.

First we did the owl as seen in the last post. Then the swaddled baby.

The 4 hours scheduled was nowhere near long enough. Next time, 6 hours. The faces take a good amount of time and concentration.

Then, 2 nights of Perfect Puppies. There was lots of laughing and doggie talk here. And the dogs came out great! Well, the almost finished versions that I saw. I hope I’ll get more photos of completed pups.

And lastly, 2 long afternoons of foxes.


This is how it was from my perspective. I want to do more teaching so when Virginia of Gather Here asked me to do the Artist-in-Residence, we decided that I’d teach.  I volunteered to teach 4 classes, 3 of which I hadn’t even written the patterns for. Yes sir, jumping into the fire here. Because really, not only were the patterns not written, I have very little teaching experience. I’ve taught in my house where I have all my stuff and I taught a class with my doll club where I knew everyone. This past week was the first time I was working in a new environment with strangers- scary!  I’m a worrier and a homebody. Knowing I’d committed to being out of the house for a week, I worried that I’d get the flu (nope, my husband got it though), I’d have horrible insomnia the whole week, I’d forget everything I needed, etc, etc. I can always think of endless things to worry about! Of course it was all fine. I didn’t get sick, I was so tired at the end of the day that I crashed every night, and everything I forgot, they had there- of course, cuz you know, it’s a store!

Every day I’d start to get really anxious about half an hour before the class started. By 15 minutes into the class I was fine. Phew!

I was a little flummoxed by a different sewing machine but there was always a helper to work with the students on the machines. And I got to play with some new to me tools/toys like these light-weight Gingher scissors– I really liked them.

Honestly, I am so proud of myself for doing this. It was totally out of my comfort zone in a lot of areas- writing the patterns, teaching out of the house, so many people I didn’t know. But I learned so much by watching how people worked, the mistakes they made, the mistakes I made. I will be doing some tweaking on the patterns based on the experience. And everyone was so great! Thanks all you amazing students! I want to see more photos!

I hope to be finishing the patterns in the next few weeks. The Swaddled Baby will come first. I’ll keep you informed!

17 thoughts on “Wow! What a week!

  1. Mimi you are a wonderful teacher, I hope you continue to share these great projects with more students. I truly had a great time, and I’m continuously showing everyone my new Owl. You definitely inspired me to try to make some new soft friends. Thank you again so much!

  2. The week was wonderful because there were such amazing people in the classes- Thanks for being part of my week!

  3. Good for you Mimi, for moving outside your comfort zone! It is hard to do! The classes look like fun, so wish I could come to them! I will have to be content with the patterns for now. : )

  4. If we cannot have a Mimi-lead Swaddle Baby workshop in Melbourne, Australia – the pattern alone will have to do! I’m holding my breath, so please don’t make me wait tooo long.

  5. Gosh, well done, Mimi! Tough but exceedingly rewarding to operate out of your comfort zone. I’m sure you’re an excellent teacher, at home or away; when you do the world tutoring tour, let us know so that we can book in. ;)

    Sounds like you need to catch up on some rest now. Hope the flu-sufferer is feeling better.

  6. I love that you did something outside of your comfort zone and it was a great experience. Your right that it’s good to see the mistakes others make … it can definitely help you write better patterns and instructions.

  7. It looks like it was alot of fun! Wish I lived closer. I made a Mimi cat for my granddaughter for Christmas with your pattern. It was so cute and fun to make. It’s a Mimi cat on more than one level because they actually have a look-alike cat named Mimi! :-)

  8. Cheers, Mimi: I too get nerved up when I do something new. Teaching away from home? I wonder whether it’s as nervous-making as seeing a new dentist.

    Nice going . . .

  9. Mimi, I loved the fox class – and the simple tip that I need to clip my curves more is going to affect all my sewing from here on out! I don’t want to inundate you with pictures, but I finished Ms. Foxy’s clothes and blogged about it here if you’re interested! I’m very excited to move on to some kitties next!

  10. Gosh I’m jealous! I wish you could come and teach in Australia. The classes look fabulous in the pictures and I bet you were fantastic. I didn’t realise the dogs and foxes were so BIG! I want to make one!!!!!!

  11. Sounds like it was quite a success. Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone…only good can come out of new experiences.

  12. Mimi, I would LOVE to take a class with you! I actually just came to check your site to see if you had anything scheduled. I am contemplating a needle felting course at Arrowmont this summer, but if I knew you were having a class somewhere I would come to that instead! (I am in Nashville, TN but would travel!) After years of doing embroidery, needle felting, sewing with wool felt, making toys, ornaments and everything else, I’ve fallen in love with doll making and its’ history. The Gail Wilson site is amazing!

    I am the same way about teaching, I am a nervous wreck beforehand, but usually do just fine when I’m in the moment. Congrats on stretching your comfort zone!

  13. oh congratulations! these classes look and sound fantastic. id sign up in heart beat but im a bit too far away :)

  14. Hi Mimi – I follow your blog and love it – I look forward to buying/downloading the baby pattern. I have your book (with the circus man pattern) on my wishlist – will be buying it as soon as I can. I love your work -it’s sooo unique and special. Please plan a trip to the UK soon!

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