arg- it’s Pirate time!

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Yes, I did have too much fun figuring out how to make a felt cutlass!

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And I knew I had some buckles somewhere so I started searching my bookcase and found a cigar box full of buttons I’d forgotten about- like a surprise gift to me from the past!

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I’m not sure if it is obvious over here in my sweet corner of the internet but my life has been a bit CRAZY lately- and mostly in a good way. I thought that things were going to slow down for me after mid-October which was when I needed to have everything submitted for the sale at One Kings Lane. Instead, every day seems to bring more exciting opportunities into my email box. I was hoping to have my Etsy shop chock full of goodies for the start of the Holiday season, but instead I have been selling like gangbusters (Hurray!) and it is pretty bare. I’m sewing as fast as I can, but I’ve also said yes to a number of (fun, amazing, fantastic!) things that mean my focus is elsewhere. I am so behind on emails and if I told you I would make you something… well, hopefully? It might still be a while though. It is exciting and very busy times around here!

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