schoolgirl fox

6-9-fox girl 2 - 1 (4)

This is the last of my pre-show dolls and I am posting her last because she was the one who found a new home last Saturday.

6-9-fox girl 2 - 1 (2)

She is a fox girl with a fox covered dress!

6-9-fox girl 2 - 1

6-9-fox girl 2 - 1 (1)

6-9-fox girl 2 - 1 (3)

Now, I am working on finishing up 2 pieces (2 kitties) that I didn’t finish before the show. And also trying to deal with the chaos in my studio and maybe even get some fun and or home sewing done. I am happy to be back in the studio and not spending full days on the computer!

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