Side Project- Gnomes

Maybe I should call them settling in projects. That’s what they feel like.

I bought these 4 gnomes many years ago (maybe 25?) in Paris and they came home with me in my carry-on. They lived in our front window, watching the world go by. I noticed how faded they were when I packed them up for the move. Once all our boxes arrived, I unpacked them and found my paints and brushes and got to work. Pictured above: 1 red hat.

It was harder that I was expecting- I am out of practice mixing paint colors!

Hats, shoes, skin tones painted. Of course I forgot to paint the ear on the one fellow that has them so had to go back later and try to match. As I said, out of practice with the color mixing.

All Done!

And now they are back in a new window.

When I made some Gnome dolls and here.