Last year was all about settling in to my new studio. I didn’t finish anything until mid-March! Still, I finished 50 dolls and 14 Tiny Worlds: a low total compared to many other years but I’m happy with where I am. I am slowing down and I am fine with that.
14 Tiny Worlds-

10 Fish Pillows and 10 Kitties-

17 Men-

And one mermaid in that block because 13 ladies-

So many designs that I hope to get to this year- Babies, Lady Pillow dolls, Owls! I am back at work so hopefully I will be posting new work soon.
Amazing work! Happy new creative year!
I love these yearly posts. A year with a Mimi doll is a great year. Six now and that delights me. Your works are cherished. Looking forward to meeting number 7
Thanks Mimi