This is the last kitty for now. Time to clean up my worktable.

Tiny antique 3-hole buttons.

And here is a close-up of her school backpack.

This is the last kitty for now. Time to clean up my worktable.
Tiny antique 3-hole buttons.
And here is a close-up of her school backpack.
She is a cutie!
Her little purse- it has an antique button closure. Her sweater has tiny buttons too, but not as old I don’t think… I believe they are plastic. I love all the tiny buttons!
Here you can see that I was able to use the ribbing on the original cashmere sweater for this tiny cardigan.
She is a pretty girl!
More Liberty fabric– this fabric is vintage and originally from my Mom’s collection. Her cashmere sweater has a lettuce edge and antique buttons.
She has a golden-yellow purse with a bird bead.
Her bag, her cashmere sweater, and her pretty dress.
Grey Kitty made of herringbone wool.
Her dress is Liberty lawn fabric, with vintage rickrack edging.
More squirrels!
Her sweater decoration-
It is the perfect time of year for garden photos!
She has squirrels and mushrooms on her dress. I made her a mushroom purse to match.
Here is a close-up of her purse-
And here she is in the gardens of my new home.
I really wanted to get another post out before August is over. Happy Labor Day weekend to all my US friends! I have finished up a group of 4 kitties that are a special gift for someone :-)
Here is the first kitty girl-
She has a cashmere sweater with tiny antique 3-hole buttons. What a sweet face!
All her goodies.
Purse close-up-
And here she is in the garden, hanging out with all her gnome friends!
Just like it is really hard to photograph a black cat, the same is true for a black kitty doll!
She has some 3-hole antique buttons on her cardigan.
I bought this Liberty lawn fabric at the beginning of the pandemic when everything shut down- doing some retail therapy. I’m not sorry 😆 It is hard to see but the dress has a tie in the back. Also, a sweet lacy edge on the neck and the hem.
It’s black cat time. First up is this sweet kitty with a fuzzy white nose. She is wearing a dark aqua angora sweater with a ruffle at the lower hem. Her skirt is made from some 70’s Laura Ashley fabric. And yes, it has been in my fabric stash since that time!
She has a beaded necklace with a cat face. It matches her outfit beautifully. Her nose and her sweater both have angora in them- it makes sort of a halo of fuzz.
She is also out shopping but she has chosen different items then the other shopping kitty. Here are all the items in her basket-