Green Merman

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I posted this photo (above) on my Instagram feed a few days ago. I sewed up 10 mermen over the weekend and I am so excited to see who they are! They are very, very colorful- Spring must be in the air. Here is the first fellow that pushed to the front of the line and made himself known.

2-26-merman green - 1 He has swoosh-y hair and a swoosh-y beard…

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So why green? These fellows are fantasy creatures so they can be any color, right? Also, I like the idea of trying out a range of skin tones. Then I can play with all kinds of crazy hair colors, eye colors. So, I guess it is about keeping it fun.

Mermen Ahoy!

It has been a while since I finished any dolls. Finally, I’ve got something to show. I’ve got 6 mermen in progress. Here is the first to be finished.

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There will be lots of ship imagery ahead.

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Japanese Merman #4

This is the last of the mermen and today I am shipping them ALL off to Kansas City for Quilt Market. Three should be coming back home to me and then they will be available for sale ($375).

This fellow, no flowers. I focused on the dark.

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No back fin.

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He has a widow’s peak.

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