I imagine these fellows using wax on their forelock curls and their mustaches.

Pretend buttons and an antique shell button.

I imagine these fellows using wax on their forelock curls and their mustaches.
Pretend buttons and an antique shell button.
This is the fellow that has inspired this group. He was a special request and a LONG time coming. If you ask me for something it might be a VERY long time (years!) before I get to it!
His skeleton tattoos are colorful and they all look like they are having great fun. His skeleton button from this amazing etsy shop.
I haven’t made one of these fellows in a long, long time but I got a request so let’s go!
He’s got some classic tattoos and an old-fashioned striped bathing suit.
A mustache and a curl in his hair.
Here is a close-up of the pattern on his hair-
He is the last man for now. Time to clean up my mess and start a new mess! Look at his awesome hair- it is purple!
And he has a curl-
I need to have a million buttons so I can find the perfect one.
Just one more man after this (not a sailor) and I’m ready to move on to something else!
This has turned out to be the month of tattooed men. There are 2 more after this and then? We shall see!
Thank you to everyone who asked to be on my mailing list- I really appreciate it!
Another redhead and this one with skeletons.
I squared off his beard so as not to cover up the tattoo images.
I have a few sailors that have been waiting a long long time to get finished so finally, Say hello to this big fellow! Here he is with his hat on-
French knot buttons on his pants.
A red-haired man with swirly hair. Isn’t this gorgeous?!
Here is the front- much more important.
A fancy button-
It took me many days to get these photos- we’ve been having crazy wet weather around here, including snow last Friday. That’s Spring in New England.
A big man with a top knot.
There he is- George Washington with all kinds of other (I am sure) symbolic imagery that I have no idea how to interpret. And I found this awesome button in my collection. Perfect.