party girl

This little one is looking fancy!

I love her dress and how a silk ribbon and a bow make for perfect party shoes.

back view- little wool ball buns, silk ribbon gathers and sash-

It is a funny thing about taking photos. It makes me see things in a different way. I dyed the cashmere “skin” fabric and have been sewing with it to make this doll. When I looked at the photos, I noticed the texture. Honestly, it is not so noticeable when I look at the doll next to me. In some of the photos, it looked like teddy bear fur- yikes! I could relate to Claire’s post about taking photos.

2 girls together.

And on last one of her-

I would have to say the colors are not great in these photos- I would say that the dress is grape jelly, the skin color is light brown M&M. The reds are almost raspberry. Yummy!

I am finding these drawings very inspiring.  I love flickr. There is so much amazing artwork!

6 thoughts on “party girl

  1. Every time I look at you latest doll I say to myself this one is my favorite…this one is my favorite :)
    I know what you mean about photos…I have some on my current blog post, that gave me fits. It is very hard to photograph needle felted items. Perhaps I will take them outside on an overcast day and try again.
    All that lovely studio lighting does not do them justice.

  2. Hi, I followed a link from A Pillow Monster Every So Often. I think your dolls are so cute, these women are fabulous! As I am so new to your blog, would you mind if I asked a few questions about how you make them? Like, can I really just zig zag the hem of knit fabric and get a lettuce edge? Your dolls are so detailed, I love the colors you select and the use of knit fabric. Thanks! Judy

  3. I know a little girl with hair just that way and just as beautiful! I love that you use food to describe colour! My brain can relate perfectly to a jelly coloured frock with raspberry flowers. Yum indeed! t.x

  4. Oh my goodness! Each one is more adorable than the one before. Of course, I love this girl’s hair, but I am really drooling over that fabulous dress!

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