and the winner is…

drumroll please… random number generator picks #53-

Liz Noonan!

Thanks to everyone who joined in to wish me a Happy Birthday! It was wonderful!

Coming next from the studio-

There are 15 men dolls, cut out and stitched together, hanging from my rack. That is what Sage (intern) and I did last week. Next comes clipping, trimming, turning and stuffing. I am hoping to have about 4 done for Chicago. I am thinking ahead for the fall already- stocking up. Before I continue with them though, I need to get a few Tiny Worlds finished. I promised someone when it seemed like loads of time and now I have a deadline looming.

And the Fresh Fish class I mentioned in the last post? Here! It looks like a fantastic weekend of fun!

5 thoughts on “and the winner is…

  1. Wow it looks like you have been very busy and may be for a little while yet. Your little worlds are so cute. I am glad you make them and share them so other people can have a little cute world too :)

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