meetup and snowy tiny worlds

We had another great meetup yesterday. Topics that I can remember going by- how to get artwork to markets, holiday shows and application deadlines, edgy shows vs traditional shows, Facebook vs Twitter, thinking about licensing, 1000 Markets, all the good things that are happening at Etsy, where to get business and stickers printed and what it costs… if this is what you are interested in and everyone around you is either clueless or bored by it all, our meetup is the place for you!

I finished these on Tuesday-

Some of them are available and will go into my Etsy shop, probably this weekend.

7 thoughts on “meetup and snowy tiny worlds

  1. I would love to come to your meetup. I was talking to somebody the other day and she said “blog – what’s a blog?” I’m in Canada but a good road trip is always in order.


  2. You could have people bring their computers to your next meet-up, and then your out-of-town attendees could join the group by video Skype!

    And I love your new tiny worlds – it’s been so hot here, they’re a breath of fresh air just looking at them.

  3. bummed I missed this one. And here I need to order more cards. Suggestions?

    Naturally I love the owls. The grumpy one is my favorite.

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