Lumberjack #9- last for now

5:26:lumberjack9a5:26:lumberjack9b5:26:lumberjack9c5:26:lumberjack9dA top view so you can see the top of his hat. And I know you really want to see what is under his beard, don’t you?!

5:26:lumberjack9e5:26:lumberjack9f5:26:lumberjack9gI am planning to get these last 4 lumberjacks into my Etsy shop this weekend.

5 thoughts on “Lumberjack #9- last for now

  1. What a handsome group! I wouldn’t mind hanging out in the woods with them.

  2. I have also really enjoyed looking at your lumberjacks. So unique! Like any good lumberjack they are rugged and burly but also there’s a softness behind that exterior.

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