November fish 1 & 2

11:4:2 fish 1

11:4:2 fish 2


Two fish with some overlapping fabrics. The red in both fish is from a Hudson Bay blanket. The blue fish body is from an old Mexican rug, wool with a cotton warp.

Something else I’ve been meaning to post. My yellow dog was cover boy on the October Land Of Nod catalog!


and on the back too!


My 2013 line includes these 3 dogs and also 3 little mermaids. The mermaids are very small- on about 10″ tall. So cute! I hear they are going to have a pop-up store this year in the Boston area so hopefully I will be able to see them in person!

3 thoughts on “November fish 1 & 2

  1. Love the fish made out of Hudson Bay blankets. I have the traditional blanket with the coloured stripes on my bed. I saw your dogs on the Land of Nod website, very cute! Congrats on the cover boy. Am loving the totally awesome dog you made me!!! You rock! :)

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