little guy

I’m all over the place these days.

At the beginning of last week I was working on little boys in plaid. Got frustrated. Went over to the robots in plaid. Finished 3 robots. Got frustrated with the 4th. Went back and finished this little cutie. Hopefully I will get robot #4 finished today… Then maybe some more of these little boys.

black eye

I’m not totally sure where this one came from. It was in the brain somewhere and I was taking a walk and saw a boy in the distance that I thought had a black eye. And then I did a sketch.

Somehow the idea of a wool bruise. I had to do it.

He doesn’t look like a fighting kind of guy. Probably more like me. I can remember having a black eye twice in my childhood. They were both the result of balls hitting me in the face. Geesh, I hated games where people were throwing (dodgeball) or kicking (kickball) balls that might and sometimes did hit me in the face- since I seemed to be totally unable to catch them.

I’m going to make another with a few tweaks. This is my first boy (versus man) doll.